About Homebrew Headphones:

Shannon Ley profile pictureA number of years ago I wondered if it was possible to make an awesome sounding pair of headphones myself. After plenty of searching online, I couldn’t find anyone else who had done it from scratch, nor could I find any decent info on how to do it. So I set out to figure it all out.

It took a ton of work to figure it all out and make a decent pair, so I have shared the results here to save others from having to start from scratch.

The Homebrew Headphones design has been created so that it’s easy to adapt the ‘look’ of the design, from crazy to classy, very simply. For example I have made pairs with wood and metal covers, plus leather covered headbands.

If you have a go a building a pair, please share your results. I’d also love to hear from experts in the science of headphone design – I’d like to keep building the ‘design’ section into the definitive headphone design guide, all freely available online.

I can be contacted via info@homebrewheadphones.com

You can seen more of my projects at shannonley.com

Have fun!


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